Since my last health update on July 14th everything finally sorted out :}
Butttt..I had the worst episode yet Monday, July 26th;
I was tough, stuck it out,& instead of going to the ER..
when I could Tuesday morning, I called my doctor &
that very day, I finally received the Lupron shot!
Since I'm so tiny and have no fat, the only place she could do it was my bum!
I have neverrr had to get a shot there before, I was such a baby! hah :x
[Band-aid is practically as big as my butt cheek!!hahah]
Now, this shot wasn't at all an easy decision.
In fact, I put off the idea of getting it for a year and half, since it's so serious,
and tried literally ALL other roads I could before having to say yes.
It basically stops all hormones, putting your body into a temporary menopause..
hot flashes and everything.
But I LITERALLY had ALLL side effects before taking it anyways,
(and haven't noticed a difference/bad side effect since..)
plus the Pros FAR outweighed turning back now!
It's been almost three weeks, and changes are small but noticeable. ^.^
I find my whole abdomen to be in less's now in one concentrated area.
It's also easier to eat..I don't have to take as many meds to be comfortable..
& I'm noticing less memory loss/better comprehension!!
They say full results in 4-6 weeks;
I'm looking forward to see what's to come..
I have a goood feeling this is the first step to my full recovery!!!
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